Mille Lacs Messenger letter
December 24, 2008


By Thomas Dahlheimer

Most of us choose to live in denial rather than face the haunting specter of our Christian and American history that might prove too disturbing for us to acknowledge.

Far too many Americans are so thoroughly indoctrinated in popular myths and propaganda that they are unable to recognize reality when they see it. They desperately need to cling to the absurd myths conjured by our corrupt leaders and deny the most criminal and unethical behavior upon which this nation was founded, and upon which it continues to be preserved. Aided by a bogus educational system, they then contort them into virtue.

American Christian history is radically distorted to cover up atrocities such as genocide, ethnic cleansing, grand theft of indigenous peoples land, denial of their fundamental human rights, allowing health epidemics to go on and on without trying to solve these serious problems.

The Church and State make the most extreme villains into "virtuous heroes" to further cover up the truth. The old evil form of Christian and white supremacist colonialism and imperialism has been transformed into another evil form of the same. It's about the domination and subjugation of people of difference religions, cultures, languages etc. and with the same evil intentions. The popular expression of Western globalization, which is predominately American globalization, is nothing more than another evil expression of Christian and white supremacist colonialism and imperialism.

America's cultural mainstream institutions, including our Christian churches, brainwash the masses, they make them into earth and health destroying maniacs without consciences.


haunting spector of our Christian and American history

haunting spector of our Christian history

more info... the haunting spector of our Christian and American history

making the most extreme villains into "virtuous heroes"

more info... making the most extreme villains into "virtuous heroes"

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