A Deceptive Lie

On this webpage I present the deceptive thesis of the Bible and the central foundational dogma of Christianity, which is based on the Bible's thesis. I also explain why this dogma needs to be renounced as a false doctrine. I start by first presenting information about how an old out-dated doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church was, in the seventeenth century, proven to be a false doctrine by scientific discovery, and then, after a time of denial and persecution of some scientists, renounced by the Roman Catholic Church as a false doctrine.

"The Earth is firmly fixed; it shall not be moved." - Psalms 104:

This bible verse shackled the minds of men for thousands of years, and held back the advance of science. It was this verse that was used as evidence against Galileo, who argued for the theory of Copernicus, that the earth is not immovable, but rotates around the sun. It was for teaching this that he was called to Rome in 1633, and tried for the crime of heresy.

The aged Galileo, in his 70's, was taken down into the dungeons of the church and shown the instruments of torture that were going to be used on him if he did not recant. Fearing the torture, and fearing that he might share the fate of Giordano Bruno, whom the church burned at the stake a generation earlier for the same crime, Galileo recanted the truth. He was then confined to his home under house arrest, neither allowed to leave or to receive visitors for the rest of his life.

Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and the foremost Vatican theologian of the seventeenth century, wrote: "But to affirm that the Sun is really fixed in the center of the heavens and that the Earth revolves very swiftly around the Sun is a dangerous thing, not only irritating the theologians and philosophers, but injuring our holy faith and making the sacred scriptures false."

Not only did scientific discoveries in the seventeenth century prove a particular "sacred" scripture false, but modern-day scientific discoveries have proven that the "sacred" scriptures that form the very thesis of the Bible - they being the scriptures upon which the central foundational dogma of the Roman Catholic Church is based - are false.

When the U.S. Catholic Bishops wrote about the scriptures that form the thesis of the Bible they wrote: "The whole Bible is spanned by the narrative of the first creation (Gn 1:3) and the vision of a restored creation at the end of history" (RV. 21:1-4). When stating the supposed mission of Jesus Christ the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church says: "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins" (CCC, n. 2336). A Bible scripture states that "the creation itself", will be "delivered from its bondage to corruption" (Romans 8:21).

Let us examine the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church that describe the supposed original purity of the creation.

St. Symeon wrote: "Neither Eve nor Paradise were yet created, but the whole world had been brought into being by God as one thing, as a kind of paradise, at once incorruptible yet material and perceptible."

St. John of Damascus wrote: "The creation of all things is due to God, but corruption came in afterwards due to our wickedness...For God did not make death, neither does He take delight in the destruction of living things" (Wisdom 1:13). But death is the work rather of man, that is, its origin is in Adam's transgression."

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote: "Plants were not subjected either to decay or to diseases; both decay and diseases and the weeds themselves, appeared after the alteration of the earth following the fall of man."

St. Basil the Great wrote: "It is customary for vultures to feed on corpses, but since there were not yet corpses, nor yet their stench, so there was not yet such food for vultures. But all followed the diet of swans and all grazed the meadows, the beasts were not carnivores, such was the first creation, and such will be the restoration after this."

Nowdays, everyone knows that the earth is not immoveable, and that it revolves very swiftly around the Sun. Likewise, today everyone in their right mind knows that the above statements by saints are not true and that the creation was not originally pure and then fell into "the bondage to corruption" when the first humans ("Adam and Eve") sinned.

According to the Roman Catholic Church and Biblical scriptures, "Adam and Eve" ("the first humans") sinned and the creation consequently "fell into a state of corruption", causing many animals to become carnivorous. However, the truth is, the first human beings from which we are all descendents of came into existence around 200,000 years ago and violent complex carnivorous animals came into existence around 550 million years before "Adam and Eve".

Also, before "Adam and Eve", or the first humans, were on this earth, six near total mass extinctions of all animals had occurred. These mass extinctions caused a lot of suffering. Hence, at that time (a time span before "Adam and Eve") the creation was in a state of corruption.

In addition, there were humans, or human-like creatures, living on earth for around three million years before modern-day humans, or "Adam and Eve, came into existence on the earth. They experienced natural catastrophes, diseases, injuries, debilitating effects of aging and death. This proves that, at that time (a time span before "Adam and Eve) the creation was in a state of corruption. The creation was not pure and then fell into a state of corruption when "Adam and Eve" sinned.

Modern-day scientific discoveries have proven that the creation has never been pure and can not, therefore, be "restored to the purity of its origins".

This proves that the every thesis of the Bible is fundamentally deceptive, as is also the central foundational dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, a dogma based on the Bible's thesis.

Modern-day scientific discoveries have proven that the Roman Catholic Church is a fundamentally deceptive religion, and they have, therefore, also made it an out-dated religion. Therefore, this out-dated dogma of the Roman Catholic Church needs to be renounced as a false doctrine and the Roman Catholic Church needs to be disestablished.

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