Rev. Matthew Fox's Facebook Meditation | Divine Father And Divine Mother

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

The ex-Roman Catholic Priest and now world renowned Episcopalian eco-theologian, Reverend Matthew Fox, promotes a somewhat New Age/Hindu-Buddhist/Sufi Islam/Indigenous People's eco-spirituality expression of "Christianity". Fox is one of the leaders of the Creation-Centered spirituality movement. He believes that his expression of "Christianity" will radically transform Christianity, so that it becomes a new faith that will unite humanity and resantify Mother Earth.

A May 2019 article of mine entitled Global Paradigm Change
presents several paragraphs about my 1983 meeting with Fox and the similarities of our world views. Reverend Fox has a Facebook daily meditation. On a recent Fox meditation post
a comment of mine was selected and posted. It is one of the two selected comments on this meditation post. It reads:

The popular website “Indigenous Peoples Literature” has a section on its homepage titled “Indigenous Inspiration. It includes the following words: “In this spiritual culture of the Sun, God as Father is wisdom and He lives in the throne within us between the two physical eyes known as the third eye. That is the eternal spiritual Father, who never leaves us. God as Mother is love and she lives in the Temple of the love. Our Father and Mother are one. They never separate and they never divorce, because they are conscious.”

GAIL RANSOM JUNE 16, 2019 AT 4:48 PM
Thank you Thomas for this beautiful quote from “Indigenous Peoples Literature”. It certainly echoes what Matthew has been saying in these recent meditations on the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, and the marriage of the two. Knowing that this wisdom already exists in another cultural tradition offers welcome confirmation for those who are steeped in the western mind are trying to grasp.
Gail Sofia Ransom
For the DM Team

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