The Mille Lacs Messenger is a Minnesota county newspaper. I (Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer) have a blog on this newspaper's web site. To view and read my Mille Lacs Messenger blog posts click blog posts .

Or you can go directly to each blog post by clicking the following links.

The Dakotas Place of Origin is at Mille Lacs Lake

The Water Monster Unktehi At Mille Lacs

Bible verses advocate genocide against pagan/heathen natives

The 150th Anniversary of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862

The Vatican's agenda for America

News about my activist initiatives

Restore Native Names To Sacred Sites

Ending Catholicism And Related U.S. Imperialism

New Age Globalization And The Coming New World Order

Alcohol was used to commit atrocities against Natives

Minnesota Apology Resolution

Proposed Occupy Wall Street Global Initiative

In my Mille Lacs Messenger comment about the above blog post Proposed Occupy Wall Street Global Initiative I inform its readers that Constance Cumbey, an internationally renowned author, recently posted a blog post on her blog about this blog post of mine and that my response article to her blog post was located at

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