Roman Catholic Ecumenism

By Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

On the T.V. cable channel titled History there is a documentary that reruns quite often. It's called "Armageddon". It's about, both, a Christian end-time doctrine that describes what many Protestants believe will occur just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, and the Roman Catholic Church's end-time doctrine, a doctrine that contradicts this popular end-time Protestant doctrine.

According to this T.V. documentary, a popular Protestant doctrine states that the end-time antichrist will establish a one world government and all the inhabitants of the earth will serve him, or be killed. And the other doctrine is the Roman Catholic doctrine which teaches that the antichrist who was prophesied in the book of Revelation to establish a one world government and then kill everyone who would not serve him has already appeared and fulfilled his evil mission. And that he (Nero) was a Roman emperor; and that when he ruled the known world he killed people who would not serve him.

Many Protestants believe, as expressed in David Hunt's best-selling book "A Woman Rides the Beast", that the end-time "antichrist" will soon come to power and establish a one world government and that his right hand man will be the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church; and that when the antichrist comes to power, the Catholic Church will have become an extremely apostate "Christian" Church by incorporating to much of, both, the Eastern religions and the New Age movement into it; and that the "antichrist", with the blessing of the Pope, will rule and reign over all the inhabitants of the earth.

And these same Protestants believe that just prior to the "antichrist's" coming to power all Christians will be "raptured" up into the clouds to meet Jesus Christ in the air above the earth. And they also believe that after the "rapture" all new converts to Christianity will be killed by the "antichrist"; and that, a short while after the "antichrist" has established his one world government on earth, the Christians who took part in the rapture will return to earth with Jesus Christ and they will then establish the fullness of the Kingdom of God on earth.

And they also believe that because the Second Coming is at hand we should be seeing evidence that indicates that the Catholic Church is making a lot of progress in its Vatican II initiated evangelization of the world mission, a mission wherein the church is trying to evangelize the whole world by way of its ecumenical movement of not only non-Catholic Churches but all good-willed non-Christian religions as well.

In A Woman Rides the Beast (page 417) Hunt wrote: "Catholicism has become the ecumenical leader in the move to unite not only the "separated brethren" of Protestantism but all of the world's religions in a new world church."

On page 427 Hunt wrote: "Roman Catholicism is proving to be the bridge that brings together all faiths. That fact alone is not surprising, but it is astonishing to see evangelical Christians stepping onto that bridge on one end while at the same time Hindus, Buddhists, and pagans of every strip are stepping onto it from the other. If we are indeed in the last days, as seems apparent, it will not be long until all sides meet in the middle."

According to a statement that Cardinal Jean Danielou made in his book "The Salvation Of The Nations", the Catholic Church's end-time mission is to usher in the fullness of the Kingdom of God on earth, so that Jesus Christ can return to take over a domain that has been made completely ready for Him. And that it is by way of the Catholic Church's ecumenical movement that the world will be won for Christ, and that when this occurs Jesus Christ will return in glory to a domain that has been made completely ready for Him.

Evidence indicates that Cardinal Jean Danielou's vision will become manifest in the near future. There has been a lot of success in respect to the Catholic Church's ecumenical movement associated with the evangelization of non-Catholic Churches, including success associated with the joint declaration titled: "Evangelicals and Catholics together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd Millennium", the Lutheran-Catholic Joint Declaration of Justification, the Lausanne Covenant, a Convent that declares that Anglican, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Evangelicals, Orthodox and Pentecostals believe in the six saving acts, the Incarnation...the Cross...the Atonement...the Resurrection...the Ascension...Pentecost...and the Second Coming and that therefore these Churches should unflinchingly stay together in their Christian mission to win the world for Christ.

And by way of its ecumenical movement the Catholic Church is also making advancements in respect to its mission to evangelize all people of non-Christian religions. The church has been making advancements associated with the evangelization of Hindus, Buddhists and New Age movement participants, and doing so, by incorporating aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism and the New Age movement.

Cardinal Jean Danielou once wrote, "There may well be many aspects of Christianity that we shall not discover until Christianity has been refracted through every facet of the prism of human civilization. It has been refracted only through the Greek and Roman worlds, but it will have to be refracted through the Chinese facet and the Hindu facet in order to attain its fulfillment; and this total fulfillment will not come through the conversion of individual men, but through the Christianization of all the civilizations of the earth. All of these civilizations must be permeated by Christianity, and Christianity must bring to blossom whatever in them has been in the nature of providential preparation.

In respect to Cardinal Danielou's above statement it is improtant to known that Pope Benedict XVI recently gave his approval, but with a warning of caution, for Catholics to do yoga meditation. When I refracted the Hindu facet of the prism of human civilization through my Catholic expression of Christianity (including regularly doing a simular to yoga meditation) I discovered the divine mother within me. Yoga meditation leads to self-realization or godhood (becoming one with the divine mother within), which is the goal of New Age movement participants as well as for Sufi-Moslems, Hindus and Buddhists. And for some Christians it's (now) a very important and glorious goal of our spiritual journey. See: East West United.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Father Keating, a Trappist monk and leader of a worldwide prayer movement, and two other monks met with Buddhist and Hindu teachers in an effort to understand the mass defection of young Catholics at the time, people drawn in part to the East's meditation practices. Their research led Keating, then an abbot at a Massachusetts monastery, to begin unearthing a similar meditative method based on the Christian tradition.

Father Keating is now the leading figure in an interdenominational movement to revitalize the Christian contemplative practice known as "centering prayer." In the 1960s Father Keating invited the great Zen master Roshi Sasaki to lead retreats at the abbey. At the time, he thought, surely there must be a precedent within the church for making such simple but powerful spiritual techniques available to laypeople. After Father Keating's meeting with the great Zen master he and his Trappist brother Father William Meninger began teaching a form of Christian meditation, a form similar to Buddhist and Hindu meditative methods, which has grown into the worldwide phenomenon known as centering prayer

In A Woman Rides The Beast (page 24) Hunt wrote: "The Bible declares that God determined to keep His chosen people separated to Himself (exodus 33.16; Leviticus 20:26; etc.) because He would bring them back into the land in the last days (Jeremiah 30:10; 31:8-12; Ezekiel 36:24,35-38; etc.) prior to the Messiah's second coming. That prophecy and promise, so long awaited, was fulfilled in the rebirth of Israel in her Promised Land. It happened at last in 1948, nearly 1900 years after the final Diaspora at the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 by the Roman armies of Titus. This restoration of a nation after 25 centuries is utterly astonishing, a phenomenon without parallel in the history of any other peoples and inexplicable by any natural means, much less by change."

According to the History channel's documentary...many Protestants believe that a temple will be built on the land where the old temple stood in Jerusalem and that the end-time antichrist will eventually sit in it and declare himself to be God. (1 Corinthians 3:16)

But according to some Catholics, including myself, the end-time antichrist is not an individual person but a corporate person and that this corporate person is made up of the members of the contemporary New Age movement. New Age movement participants sit in the temple of God, the human body, and declared themselves to be God. It's right for them to declare themselves to be god, or the divine mother who is subordinate to almighty God the Father, as well as seek godhood, but not to declare themselves to be God.

I believe that the antichrist of the end-time has already been revealed; and that therefore it will not be long until Jesus Christ, working in and through His Catholic Church, puts an end to the New Age movement (it participants being the antichrist) by evangelizing the New Age movement participants to the Church.

In A Woman Rides the Beast Hunt presents evidence that reveals that up until Vatican II the Catholic Church was still on its nearly 1700 year old mission of promoting the continuation of Catholic totalitarian regimes that had laws that make it legal to persecute and kill both non-Catholic Christians and people of non-Christian religions. And Hunt also states in this book of his that during Vatican II, the Catholic Church's evangelization of the world method changed so that, from that point in time, it was promoting, throughout the whole world, the separation of church and state, religious liberty and a free press. But Hunt also states in his book that the ultimate goal of the Catholic Church is to go back to its earlier evangelization of the world method and eventually establish a one world monarchal system of government.

In A Woman Rides the Beast (page 416) Hunt wrote: "Having lost her status as the official state church in most parts of the world, and no longer able to impose the death penalty for nonconformance, Rome has adopted new tactics. It was at her initiative, following the publishing of Dignitatis Humanae ("Declaration of Religious Freedom") at Vatican II, that the concordats in the few remaining countries where only Catholicism was allowed were changed to grant freedom of religion. This occurred in Colombia in 1973, opening the door to all religions and separating church and state. The same action was taken in 1974 in the Swiss canton of Valais, followed in 1975 by annulment of Article 24 in the 1940 Concordat with Portugal. Religious liberty was granted in Spain in1976 by revision of the convordat to provide for separation of church and state, followed by similar action in Peru in 1980 and Italy in 1984. Finally, in July 1992, laws guaranteeing freedom of religion for non-Catholics at last went into effect in Mexico (thought persecutions and even killings of Christians by Catholics has continued). These moves did not reflect generosity on Rome's part but a clever strategy of taking the initiative to effect what was already inevitable in today's world."

On page 416, Hunt wrote: "Ecumenism is no equal partnership, but a one-way street to Rome."

And on page 415 Hunt quoted Pope Pius XII: "We must not pass over in silence, or veil in ambiguous terms, the truth of Catholic teaching...that the only true union is by the return of separated Christians to the one true Church of Christ. For those who do not belong to the visible body of the Church...none can be assured of eternal salvation, because...they are still deprived of the helps and heavenly favors found only inside the Catholic Church." Therefore, the Catholic Church's ecumenical mission will not be completely fulfilled until all non-Catholic Christians and all people of non-Christian religions have been converted to Catholicism.

In A Woman Rides the Beast (page 180) Hunt, when referring to an internationally renowned person associated with the Roman Catholic Church's ecumenical mission, wrote: "...Fr. Matthew Fox, silenced for one year by the Vatican but vocal thereafter with views that can only be called pagan and New Age. Expelled from the Dominican order for subordination but not excommunicated from the Church for his gross heresies, Fox has since become an Episcopalian."

In respect to this statement of Hunt's, it seems to me that he believes that Reverend Mathew Fox is, and will continue to be, a leading false prophet within the current international world-wide Christian ecumenical movement, a movement that will usher in a one-world Catholic Monarchal system of government, a governmental system wherein a lay Catholic will be the King, a governmental system wherein the Pope will actually be the supreme civil governmental ruler over all the inhabitants of the earth.

I agree with Hunt that a one world Catholic Monarchal system of government will soon be established, but unlike Hunt, I believe that a short while after this governmental system is established Jesus Christ will come to take over the positions of both the King and the Pope and then begin ruling and reigning over a domain that has been made completely ready for Him.

In A Woman Rides the Beast Hunt presents information that supports his belief that a pope will actually be the supreme civil governmental ruler over all the inhabitants of the earth by quoting Pope Nicholas I (858-67): " Fear, then, our wrath and the thunder of our vengeance; for Jesus Christ has appointed us [the popes] with his own mouth absolute judges of all men; and kings themselves are submitted to our authority." In A Woman Rides the Beast page 233 Hunt wrote: "Looking back from today's perspective, such overt papal domination over sovereigns seems inconceivable, but it was in fact the norm for that day. The popes literally ruled the entire known world for centuries..." Both David Hunt and I believe that either Pope Benedict XVI, or a future pope in the near future, will, like the popes in the past, rule the world, and that this will occur when a lay Catholic becomes the King of a one-world Catholic monarchal system of government.

I believe that I will be the lay Catholic who will be the King of this one-world Catholic monarchy system and that Reverend Matthew Fox will be influential in respect to helping me to attain this goal. As a hippie Catholic prophet of the counter culture's ecumenical movement of the world's non-Catholic Churches and non-Christian religions...and having a world-view around the sacred Dakota American Indian word wahkon (sacred) visionary mission, I attended the 1983 Tekakwitha Conference, an international Catholic indigenous peoples of North America conference. And during that conference Father Stanislaus Maudlin (now deceased), a former leader of the Tekakwitha Conference, addressed the conference and said "there is a whole word view behind the word wahkon". And a short while later, I was interviewed by Father Matthew Fox, the conference's keynote speaker and, at the time, an international leader of the Catholic Church's ecumenical movement. This meeting with Father Matthew Fox, along with a lot of other signs/evidence of me having a very glorious Christian prophetic ministry, has lead me to believe that I will be the King of the, soon to come, one-world Catholic monarchy.

During the 1983 Tekakwitha Conference interview, Father Fox told me that the late Thomas Merton, who during his life became an internationally renowned Catholic monk and author, who was the author of books about the Catholic Church's ecumenical movement, books that were popular amongst the 1960s hippie ecumenical movement revolutionaries, had asked him a few years before he died to reach out to the youth of the 1960s counter-cultural revolution with the intent to help them find the truth and live holy lives. Father Fox then asked me what I thought about this connection with Thomas Merton. I responded by telling him about my strongly influenced by Merton - world view around the word wahkon - hippie Catholic ecumenism and globalization movement, a movement with a mission to unite humanity not only in a one world religion but also within a single united global culture with a one world government, a culture made up of the best of the past of all the earth's different peoples' cultures, a culture that would be wahkon, or predominately permeated with the culture(s) of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

And near the end of the interview Fr. Fox asked me to keep in touch with him, so as to keep him informed about the progress of my expression of the hippie Catholic ecumenical and globalization movement. And a couple of years ago, Reverend Matthew Fox sent me a letter wherein he expressed his support for my effort to revert the name of the "Rum" River back to its sacred Mdewakanton Dakota name Wahkon. Hopefully, in the near future, we will be corresponding on a regular basis, and in doing so, fulfill, in a way, David Hunt's seemingly subtle prediction, that Rev. Matthew Fox will be influential in respect to helping the lay Catholic prophet who will become the King of the, soon to come, one-world Catholic monarchy attain his (my) goal.

Two internationally renowned indigenous activists Steve Newcomb and Tony Castanha, activists who are on the international forefront of the movement to influence Pope Benedict XVI to formally revoke the 15 century Papal Bull Inter Caetera, a papal bull that denies indigenous peoples their fundamental human rights, have, after reading articles of mine posted on Indigenous People Literature (IPL), contacted me and said I am doing "good work". Tony Castanha corresponds with me on a regular basis. And after reading my IPL article Proposals to heal the genocidal wounds of Indigenous peoples Steve Newcomb contacted me and said, "Thanks Thomas, good work! And Tony Castanha contacted me after reading my IPL article Restoring the Fundamental Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Another IPL article of mine that is simular to the mentioned above articles is titled U.S. and states should establish Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.

Forty years ago, I prophesied to friends and relatives that I would eventually be receiving recognition as the leading prophet of the youth of the 1960s counter cultural globalization mission. A mission with a goal to unite all of humanity, not only within a one world culture and government, but also within a single religion, a single religion that would come to perfection by incorporating all the spiritual treasures within all of the world's good willed religions, a single religion that would serve as the basis and principle of unity for a single united global culture, a global culture that would be made up of the best of the past of all the world's good willed religions, traditions and cultures.

And because of my local, national and international Catholic social/political activist movement to regain the Dakota indigenous people's sacred name for the "Rum" River...I was able to successfully introduce and influence a co-founder and leader of the worlds largest (26,000 registered members) hippie website - a website that promotes the youth of the 1960s counter cultural movement and revival - to put a link to a hippie visionary article of mine on his Hippyland ( website's recommended articles list . He titled it Hippy Visionary.

And The Farm, an internationally renowned 250 member hippie counter-cultural community of peaceful warriors "out to save the world", has a website with a homepage link to the Hippy Museum with information that presents my worldview vision as well as my prophetic credentials that indicate that I am the prophet who, under the Pope's close pastoral guidance, will usher in the fullness of the Kingdom of God on earth.

A very prominent member of The Farm [Albert Bates] is an internationally renowned hippie counter-cultural activist. He became a global authority on ecovillages, founding the Global Village Institute for Appropriate Technology. He is the author of several books. One of his books Climate in Crisis is introduced by Al Gore. Mr. Bates, as an attorney, argued environmental and civil rights cases before the U.S Supreme Court and served on the steering committee of Plenty International for 18 years, focusing on relief and development work with indigenous peoples, human rights and the environment. He recently sent me an e-mail message wherein he wrote, in respect to another hippyland article of mine: "good article".

Hippyland also posted an article of mine on its "Activist Spotlight" webpage. This Hippyland article of mine can be viewed and read by clicking A 1960s hippie activist.

And after sending a printed copy of this on-line book of mine, along with information about my international movement to regain the sacred Mdewakanton Dakota name for the "Rum" River, to the Pontifical Council On Peace An Justice...I received a letter from the council's Bishop secretary wherein he (Bishop Giampaola Crepaldi) informed me that the council had "taken note" of both my Catholic social activist ministry to revert the name of the "Rum" River back to its sacred Mdewakanton Dakota name (Wahkon) as well as my "associated material". Bishop Giampaola Crepaldi used the words "associated material" to let me know that the Pontifical Council On Peace And Justice had taken note of my book about my visionary ministry, a book wherein I express that I believe that I am the prophet who, under the Pope's close pastoral guidance, will usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ.

I believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is at hand and that He will use a Roman Catholic expression of the hippie counter-culture's ecumenical movement and globalization revolution to usher in the fullness of the Kingdom of God on earth; and that it is my mission to lead this ecumenical movement and globalization revolution to it glorious fulfillment.

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