Pope Francis Preaches Eco-Tribalist/Hippie New Age Beliefs

The Amazon Synod Goes Hippie

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

The Roman Catholic magazine, the Crisis, published an article about the October 2019 Amazon synod. The article is titled The Amazon Synod Goes Native. Its renowned author, William Kilpatrick, writes in the article (after reaching what prominent Bishops are saying) that this synod established a "new Church," with an "Indians' eco-friendly [eco-tribalist], pantheistic form of spirituality," which is "New Age spirituality," whose adherents embrace and promote "the [hippie] ideas that became popular 60 years ago, a time when many young people thought that the 'Age of Aquarius' was about to dawn."

A good subtitle for Mr. Kilpatrick's article on the Amazon Synod would have been The Catholic Church Goes Hippie. Cardinal Gerhard Mueller has criticized an Amazon synod document for its “hippie” language, such as “ecological conversion” and “mother earth.” Bishop Robertus Mutsaertsis condemned the Amazon Synod for attempting to establish a "new religion" by portraying Jesus "not as the Son of God and Savior," but as " Jesus the philosopher, revolutionary and hippie."

In the early 1970s, I prophecy that this hippie New Age revival was coming. I also prophesied about what was going to happen when this hippie revival did dawn.

The ultimate goal of the New Age hippie counterculture revolution is to unite the world's religions and cultures to create, in effect, a one-world religion (i.e., a single spiritual philosophy) and global culture wherein all of humanity will live harmoniously together as one. My mission is to lead the way to achieve the ultimate goal of this revolution. This revolution represents a particular type of globalization. It is promoted in the lyrics of the former Beatles' song Imagine, sung by John Lennon: "I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one."

In the 1960s, I became a hippie counterculture revolutionary. Not long after I joined the revolution, I became a close friend and disciple of a leader of the hippie New Age spiritual revolution. His name is Richard H. Carter. We met in California's San Francisco Bay Area and were together in Wahkon, Minnesota at the height of our 1960s revolutionary countercultural and spiritual mission.

In the early-1970s, I became a countercultural hippie Catholic. I then prophesied to several friends and family members that the Roman Catholic Church was going to convert to the hippie spiritual philosophy. And that this spiritual philosophy would be similar to Father Thomas Merton's New Age spiritual philosophy. "The New Age movement mainly owes its genesis and development to Thomas Merton.” - Father John Hardon, authored The Catholic Catechism. I also prophesied that when the Church made this revolutionary conversion its headquarters would be moved to Wahkon, Minnesota.

In the mid-1970s, I became an indigenous peoples' rights advocate. By the early-1980s, I had successfully gained Minnesota state, tribal and church (including a Catholic archbishop's) recognition as an important indigenous peoples' rights advocate.

In the early-1980s, I met and had a talk with the internationally renowned spiritual theologian, environmentalist and indigenous peoples' rights advocate Father Matthew Fox. This meeting occurred during the 1983 annual Tekakwitha Conference. During our meeting, we talked about my hippie global mission - a mission with a worldview around the Indigenous word wahkon (holy). Matthew Fox then initiated a Thomas Merton spiritual connection between us. Father Fox was interested in my hippie global mission and asked me to "stay in touch with him."

A couple of decades ago, Fox gave his support for my advocacy effort to change the derogatory name of a Minnesota river, the "Rum River." I am on a mission to revert this river's name back to its sacred Dakota/Lakota/Nakota Native name Wahkon.

I have received support for my river-name-change advocacy initiative from several internationally renowned Indigenous activists, the Tekakwitha Conference, two Mdewakanton Dakota communities, a Roman Catholic Archbishop and a Catholic Bishop. In respect to my advocacy work, I have also received a letter from both, the Pontifical Council of Peace and Justice and the United Nations Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Today, Rev. Matthew Fox is helping me to promote my hippie New Age Catholic mission by posting articles and comments of mine on his Daily Meditations Facebook site.

In the early-1980s, I prophesied to my Rainbow family relatives. I told them that I believed that they were being Providentially called to come to Wahkon, Minnesota (where I live) to form into a kinship tribe... so that we, together as a kinship tribe, could take up the prophetic leadership role, in conjunction with the papacy, to establish a New World Order, wherein "the world will live as one." - former Beatle John Lennon.

During the 1983 Rainbow family reunion in Anoka, Minnesota, where 17 families were gathered together, my Uncle Don Rainbow, after having a conversation with me about my meeting with Father Matthew Fox at the Tekakwitha Conference... addressed the Rainbow family reunion relatives and said: "A rainbow is a sign of God's salvation plan, and I believed that we may be used to glorify God more than any other family in the world." Today, there is evidence that indicates that these prophecies of mine will soon be fulfilled.

The Roman Catholic Bishops conference of Italy published a prayer to Mother Earth in April 2019. The Conference did this with a special focus on the Amazon Synod, or Pan-Amazon Synod, which occurred in October 2019. This Synod and its papal follow-up documents promote the Amazon primitive tribal peoples' "mother earth," communitarian, cosmic harmony and ecological spirituality. This breakthrough is being equated with the Roman Catholic Church's emerging acceptance of both, Indigenous People's spirituality and the hippie New Age spirituality.

Pope Francis blessed indigenous people's 'Pachamama' (Mother Earth) statue before opening
the Amazon synod.

A world renowned expert on the New Age, Father Mitchael Pacwa, said on his Nov. 7, 2019, weekly EWTN program, that: "The bishops conference of Italy published a prayer to Pachamama." Concerning the thinking that influenced the publication of this Inca prayer to Mother Earth, Pacwa said: "This is New-Age-like thinking that goes back to the 1970s."

Wikipedia says: "From a historical perspective, the New Age phenomenon is rooted in the counterculture of the 1960s." The Beatles' promotion of Hinduism, according to Wikipedia, "kick-started the Human Potential Movement that subsequently became New Age." The 1960s counterculture "used the terms New Age and Age of Aquarius to refer to a coming era." I believe that the "thinking" associated with the "bishops conference's" published prayer to "Mother Earth" actually goes back to the 1960s hippie New Age spiritual philosophy.

The Hippie New Age spiritual philosophy advocates believing in the eternal infinite Spirit, the supreme God, and also in the Divine manifestation of the finite Universe (a form of "pantheism")... who, as a subordinate Divine entity (another God), appears to the enlightened as an "essentially undifferenated mass of light." - Swami Paramahansa Yogananda.

Gerhard Cardinal Mueller has criticized an Amazon synod document for its “hippie” language, such as “ecological conversion” and “mother earth.” New Age Hippies have had an "ecological conversion" and believe in "mother earth," however, we do not worship mother earth. Her status is equivalent to "a great angelic or archangelic being." - David Spangler, one of the founding figures of the modern New Age movement.

The day after the Amazon synod ended, Pope Francis officially endorsed the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The Roman Catholic Church and the United Nations are becoming unified in purpose. Several years ago a special United Nations event was held in celebration of 'The Spirit of the United Nations.' The program featured an opening 'blessing song on behalf of indigenous peoples,' an expression to 'thanks to Mother Earth.' And a special rendition of the former Beatle John Lennon's song, 'Imagine,' was played to those gathered at this U.N. event.

A Pan-Amazon Synod document reads: Indigenous “good living” expresses true quality of life (nos 8, 26 & 71), and fulfills the utopia of personal, family, communal and cosmic harmony, expressed, in turn, by the communitarian approach to existence and an austere and simple lifestyle (n° 71): Everything is shared ... There is no room for the notion of an individual detached from the community or from the land”(No. 20). The indigenous people have much to teach us (n° 71), and citizens should allow themselves to be “re-educated” by them since it is through them that God wants us to embrace his mysterious wisdom (n° 72).

The National Catholic Register (NCR) published an article about the Pan-Amazon Synod. Its author, Edward Pentin, quoted Stefano Fontana, a renowned expert on liberation theology: “Today the 'practice of liberation’ is replaced by the ‘practice of integral ecology,’ so that the primitive life of pagan [kinship tribal] peoples can become a [eco-tribalist] model of universal coexistence."

Pan-Amazon Synod Watch (PSW) is the name of the largest coalition of associations in defense of Christian civilization. It claims that the Pan-Amazon synod is "a tool to impose a radical eco-tribalist model on the Holy Catholic Church and civic society." A statement in a PSW article reads: Quoting abundantly from his encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis reiterates his “Teilhardian” and New Age worldview of a universe in which “everything is connected” (No. 41).

PSW's mission is to defend Christian civilization by opposing Pope Francis's post-Christian, Catholic Church's, hippie New Age spiritual philosophy, which includes the Pope's kinship family tribalization of the world mission.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a former Apostolic Nunciature to the United States who was recently put in the U.S. national spotlight by one of President Trump's tweets , wrote, in a June 6, 2020, letter, that: "It is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church [a new church] was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ." ... The parallel church's doctrine is "almost gnostic or kabbalistic" in respect to it (the post-Christian, Catholic Church) having a similar belief in two Gods, the Old Testament God and Jesus's New Testament God.

In a OnePeterFive newspaper article titled What Comes Next, O Spirit of Vatican II?, its author Dan Millette, a traditional Catholic wrote: "[In a homily, Pope Francis] understated the importance of doctrine, and simply announced that 'God is love.' [This] reminded me of a hippie-styled mantra. To quote John Lennon’s anthem during the 1967 Summer of Love, 'all you need is love.' ... The hippie generation has long since disseminated, ... Unless you are Catholic, of course. In our Spirit of Vatican II Catholicism, the embrace of the hippie Age of Aquarius culture endures,..." Prominent traditional Catholics believe Vatican II's "erroneous" documents are responsible for the current hippie revival.

PSW promotes the late Plinio Correa de Oliveira's 1977 book, Indian Tribalism: The Communist-Missionary Ideal for Brazil in the Twenty-First Century, as a resource for understanding what’s at stake in the synod process. Oliveira was a climate skeptic and said that the “ultimate ideal of the green movement is to destroy our way of life, including the present-day economic system of the three Americas, which is capitalism, and to return to a tribal lifestyle." A statement in Oliveira's book expressing his opposition's position reads: Indigenous society is the one closest to the human ideal. And it is to this kind of society that we must return."

In a January 10, 2020, article by a prominent lay leader of the counter-revolution, or anti-Amazon Synod movement, Michael Matt, a traditional Catholic and the editor of The Remnant newspaper, wrote that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò proclaimed in an InsideTheVatican.com interview that: "The [Amazon] Synod working document testifies to the emergence of a post-Christian Catholic theology, now, in this moment."

Mr. Matt's numerous articles and videos consistently portray the "post-Christian Catholic theology" as the hippie New Age Catholic theology. Matt often displays a picture of John Lennon and a picture of Pope Francis together in his newspaper's website (Youtube) videos. Along with the pictures a segment of the former Beatles' song Imagine is played. Matt says: "the Jesus that Pope Francis talks about is kind of like the Jesus of the New Age." He also produced The Remnant newspaper (Youtube) video titled: "The Hippie Pope's Green New Deal."

When the I. C. Rainbow family comes together in hippie kinship tribalism in Wahkon it will be seen as a divine providential sign that Pope Francis will use to call his Church and the entire world to live the kinship tribal lifestyle. The world will see the divine sign of the rainbow appear in Wahkon.

Wahkon rainbow

On the ChurchMilitant.com site there is an October 20, 2019, article about "A Dutch bishop [Robertus Mutsaertsis] condemning the Amazon Synod for attempting to turn the Catholic faith into a 'new religion' by 'embracing pantheism' and recognizing 'pagan superstition as a source of revelation.'" ... "There is a 'single mention of Jesus,' in the synod's working document, he wrote in a Thursday post on his blog, 'but not as Son of God and Savior,' but as 'Jesus the philosopher, revolutionary and hippie."

end of article


2021 news: Richard Carter (mentioned in the above article) and his wife (Lois) and I currently have a favorite video. This video presents a homily of Rev. Salvatore Sapienzaof, a United Church of Christ pastor. The video is titled Steve Jobs, Yogananda and Jesus.

Reverend Matthew Fox has a Facebook site where he posts Daily Meditations. Each day a few comments are selected and posted on the Meditations. My comments are often posted. Some of my posted comments are as long as a letter to the editor. On 7/27/2020, a comment of mine about the above revolutionary article was posted on Fox's Facebook site. The comment contains several paragraphs from the article and is an introduction to the article. And the comment also presents the link to this article. The comment is located here.

The name of the main organization promoting Reverend Matthew Fox's spirituality is "Creation Centered Spirituality Communities." It published the above revolutionary article in its Jul/Aug 2020 Newsletter.


A related article is located here.
Some other related articles are located here, here, here and here.

A related Facebook post is located here.


More on this topic:

Vigano kind of identifies the "new Church's" two Gods in his following statement:

Everything stands and fits together: a false science founded on an alleged catastrophic warming of the earth which is chiefly caused by man; an integral ecology which places at the center of creation not man created in the image and likeness of God, and called to share divine life in a blessed eternity with his Creator [the supreme God], but the Mother Earth “divinity,” i.e. the Pachamama [another God], from which man is drawn and to which he must return. From this standpoint, therefore, even idolatry is willed by God, and Pope Francis celebrates it before the world, profaning the most sacred place in Christian Rome — the basilica built on the tomb of the Apostle Peter.

Indigenous People: The Catholic indigenous people who participated in the synod... had, in accordance with the longstanding costum of these indigenous people of the Amazon, syncretized Pachamama (Mother Earth) with Mother Mary, thus reducing Pachamama (Mother Earth) to a less-than-divine entity

New Age belief: The Hindus and New Age people believe that after the eternal infinite Spirit (the Supreme God) emanated/created a subordinate God, He (the subordinate God) sinned, causing H/himself to manifest as the U/universe. And that, today, the "subordinate G/god" manifests as both, (1.) the Universe, an essentially undifferentiated mass of light permeated with Christ/Krishna/Buddha/God Consciousness (an aspect of G/god, a Divinity), and (2.) the material universe, a corrupted, less-than-divine, illusionary manifestation of the divine manifestation of the Universe. The less-than-divine material universe is referred to as Mother Earth

Dr. Taylor Marshall video: According to Archbishop Vigano and Dr. Marshall, Vatican II influenced the 1968 progressive development of the 1960s hippie revolution. Vigano says this revolution continues today in the Church and in Society, and that it aims, with the leadership of Pope Francis and potentially Joe Biden (if he becomes president) to usher in the New Age (the "hippie Age of Aquarius") and the New World Order.

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