On Wednesday, May 23, 2007 the Mille Lacs Messenger, a Minnesota county newpaper, published the following letter.

I wrote the following letter when I was still a border-line Roman Catholic mystic. Not long after the letter was published I converted to the New Age spiritual philosophy. At the time, I realized that the the letter did not express the truth, but contradicted modern-day scientifically discovered truth. This is why I left the Roman Catholic Church and the Christian religion. Recently, in 2019, I joined Pope Francis' a href="http://www.towahkon.org/BishopsHippiesNewAge.html" target="_top">post-Christian Catholic Church.

Heaven on Earth

by Thomas Dahlheimer

Guest columnist Brett Larson quoted Rev. Jerry Falwell in his May 9th Mille Lacs Messenger article, titled: A conservative approach to global warming. In the article he wrote that he once heard Rev. Jerry Falwell say: "The Sierra Club can have the earth, because Jesus is going to come back and take all the Christians to heaven."

The Roman Catholic Church teaches just the opposite of what Jerry Falwell teaches about this subject. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says: "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins." The CCC also says: "The visible universe, then, is itself destined to be transformed, so that the world itself, restored to its original state, facing no further obstacles, should be at the service of the just, sharing their glorification with the risen Jesus Christ."

In a statement about the Lord's Prayer, the CCC presents more information about Jesus' mission to restore creation to its original state. In the Lord's Prayer Jesus said: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". In reference to these words, the CCC says, "For he did not say "thy will be done in me or in us, but on earth, the whole earth, so that error may be banished from it, truth take root in it, all vice be destroyed on it, virtue flourish on it, and the earth no longer differ from heaven."

In II Peter 3:13 it says that "We look for a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells justice". In reference to this scripture the CCC says, "the universe will be renewed" and that "Sacred Scripture calls this mysterious renewal, new heavens and a new earth". So it is this earth, the earth that we are now living on, that will become known as the "new earth", and this will occur after error has been banished from it, truth has taken root in it, all vice has been destroyed on it, and virtue flourishes on it.

In the CCC it says this "renewal of the world is irrevocably under way" and that it will be "fulfilled with power and great glory by the King's return to earth".

According to the Catholic Church, when Jesus returns the fullness of heaven will be coming to earth and Christians will not be going anywhere. The Bible says: "The meek shall inherit the earth."

More on this topic can be found here and here.

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