On April 27, 2011, the following letter of mine was published in the Mille Lacs Messenger, a Minnesota county newspaper. It was the "letter of the week". It is posted on the Mille Lacs Messenger's website. The letter is in response to Rev. David Prosser's response letter to a Mille Lacs Messenger column by the Messenger's editor, Brett Larson. In addition, there is a 2015 MLM letter of mine about science and religion. It is titled New age beliefs.

Scriptures and science

by Thomas Dahlheimer

In response to Rev. David Prosser's April 20th letter Freedom of speech, I would like to say that anyone who is sane and aware of what modern-day science teaches is not going to believe and teach that, "All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,..." - 2 Timothy 3:16.

Here is one of many examples that proves that the scripture [2 Timothy 3:16] is not true. "The Earth is firmly fixed; it shall not be moved." - Psalms 104:5. This deceptive scripture contradicts scientific truth. The earth is not immoveable, it rotates around the sun.

The scriptures and traditional Christianity teach that when Adam and Eve sinned, their sin caused a fall to occur, a fall that corrupted the entire natural world, including human nature, causing people to be born into original sin, a state from which no one can attain eternal life without receiving Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

A Biblical scripture teaches that "the creation itself", will be "delivered from its bondage to corruption". - Romans 8:21

Christianity was established on a creation myth, as if it were literally true. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the mission of Jesus Christ is to "restore creation to the purity of its origins". This declared mission of Jesus Christ (an unchangeable doctrine) cannot be accomplished because the creation was never pure. It's a false doctrine/dogma.

According to the Roman Catholic Church and Biblical scripture, "Adam and Eve" (the first human beings) sinned and the creation consequently "fell into a state of corruption", causing many animals to become carnivorous. However, the truth is, the first human beings from which we are all descendents came into existence around 200,000 years ago and violent complex carnivorous animals came into existence around 550 million years before "Adam and Eve".

Also, before "Adam and Eve" were on this earth, six near total mass extinctions of all animals had occurred. These mass extinctions caused a lot of suffering. Hence, at that time (a time span before "Adam and Eve") the creation was in a state of corruption.

In addition, there were humans living on earth for around three million years before modern-day humans came into existence on the earth. They experienced natural catastrophes, diseases, injuries, debilitating effects of aging and death. This proves that, at that time (a time span before "Adam and Eve) the creation was in a state of corruption. The creation was not pure and then fell into a state of corruption after "Adam and Eve" sinned.

The every thesis of the Bible is fundamentally deceptive, as is also a foundational dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, the one that describes the mission of Jesus Christ. Modern-day science has proven that Christianity is a fundamentally deceptive religion and newly discovered scientific truth has made it an out-dated religion.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. However, Christ is not my savior, He is my guru. Science and the Hindu scriptures teach that the creation was corrupt from its origins. The creation is made up of dualistic phenomena. In this world there is good and evil, pleasure and pain, purity and corruption, life and death. Where ever there is a physical world and physical human bodies there will be dualistic phenomena. That is why the Christian "Heaven" has an "eternal Hell" to go along with it. The Hindu Heaven is totally spiritual, that is why there is no eternal Hell that goes along with it. Religions that threaten people with eternal Hell in order to control them are committing psychological terrorism and should be outlawed.


In response to the above letter, the Mille Lacs Messenger published Kathy Martinson's May 4th response letter More on religion. Then, on May 11th, the Mille Lacs Messenger published my response letter to Kathy Martinson's letter. It can be found and read by clicking on the letter's title One more round.


In a Mille Lacs Messenger website blog post/article of mine titled Ending Catholicism And Related U.S. Imperialism there are six paragraphs about this topic. They are presented below.

Another Roman Catholic Church hierarchical cover-up is associated with a Catholic dogma (an unchangeable doctrine). The dogma that I am referring to contradicts scientific evidence that teaches reasonable people that before modern-day humans ("Adam and Eve") came into existence on earth around 200,000 years ago there were billions of years of evolutionary history wherein corruption and death ruled the world. It was not, as a Catholic dogma states, an "incorruptible, death free, paradise" throughout those billions of years...or anytime prior to "the first human beings' 'original sin'". Therefore, the creation can not be "restored to the purity of its origin", and become the "ultimate destination of Christians who die in a state of grace", as a Catholic dogma teaches.

St. Symeon wrote: "Neither Eve nor Paradise were yet created, but the whole world had been brought into being by God as one thing, as a kind of paradise, at once incorruptible yet material and perceptible."

St. John of Damascus wrote: "The creation of all things is due to God, but corruption came in afterwards due to our wickedness...For God did not make death, neither does He take delight in the destruction of living things" (Wisdom 1:13). But death is the work rather of man, that is, its origin is in Adam's transgression."

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote: "Plants were not subjected either to decay or to diseases; both decay and diseases and the weeds themselves, appeared after the alteration of the earth following the fall of man."

St. Basil the Great wrote: "...it is customary for vultures to feed on corpses, but since there were not yet [before Adam's sin] corpses, nor yet [before Adam's sin] their stench, so there was not yet [before Adam's sin] such food for vultures. But all [animals] followed the diet of swans and all grazed the meadows...[none of] the beasts were carnivores...such was the first creation, and such will be the restoration after this."

U.S. Catholic Bishops wrote: "The whole Bible is spanned by the narrative of the first creation (Gn 1:3) and the vision of a restored creation at the end of history" (RV. 21:1-4) The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins." Modern-day science has proven these Catholic doctrines/teachings to be untrue and deceptive. Therefore, science has also made the Roman Catholic Religion an out-dated religion.


Genesis 1:30 reads: "...and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so..." The Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church says: "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins" (CCC, n. 2336). A Bible scripture states that "the creation itself," will be "delivered from its bondage to corruption" (Romans 8:21). Isaiah 65:25 says: The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox,..."


Here's the titles and links to five other Mille Lacs Messenger letters of mine about this topic:

Evolution and creation
On Science
Church and science
Agenda 21
New age beliefs

The Mille Lacs Messenger posted a blog post of mine about this topic. It is titled, Bible verses advocate genocide against pagan/heathen natives. This blog post has a link to a revised and updated presentation of this post. It includes pictures and reference links. It's located here

Rev. Matthew Fox's Theology On Creation As Original Blessing

Adam and Eve: the ultimate standoff between science and faith

Could God Have Used Evolution?

Native Rights, Pope Francis And The New World Order

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